A blog about babies: the babies I lost, the babies I never had, the baby who made me a Mama.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Maybe?; or, Hoping for the Sun

On days like today, when for some crazy reason I start to think I'll really be holding a living, squirming baby in my arms come October, I listen to this song and cry. A lot:

(Couldn't embed the original version, but I think Colbie is a good substitute).


  1. I sincerely hope this means that you are beginning to relax and enjoy more of this pregnancy, you so deserve to!!!!!

  2. You have no idea how much it tickles me to see you excited and looking towards the future... one where you'll be holding your beautiful baby!! Hugs and kisses, honey!

  3. I fricken love Colbie Callait! I have this CD, too, and would often listen to the song Capri and would just wish that could be me. So excited that you're excited!!

  4. love love love this song. has put me in a good, positive mood after been a nervous psycho all morning (for no reason in particular). glad that you registered and hope you loved every second of it :o) xoxo.

  5. Ach...this one gets me, too:) (Sniffle)
